Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Things Kids Get Into....

We all have been kids at one time in our lives, but as we get older we tend to forget what it was like to be a young one. So, that is why God invented children. They remind us of the disgusting things we did when we were children. Like the famous picking of the nose then eating it. This was not staged, the pictures have not been altered in any way, this actually happened.

Then they go and do something completely random. Sawyer and I were home while Mommy was at work. Sawyer was running all over the house while I was trying to do the dishes. I went into the bedroom to get some water cups and I came out to this:

I couldn't help but to bust a gut laughing my butt off.

Then it's off to Sawyer favorite activity before bed. Bath Time. Yes, that right, Sawyer loves baths. I know when I was a kid, I hated baths, but Sawyer loves splashing in the water. He favorite bath thing is to grab on the side of the tub, then stand up and sit down to make big waves. Too cute...

Then there is the most peaceful time of all...

Have a good night...


Valeri said...

Those bath time pictures are too adorable! I can't wait to experience that with my son!

Kim M. said...

Every family must have a dishwasher picture. Good job on catching Sawyer in Action!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just wait till he makes the Booger Mosiac on his bedroom wall. It's a boy thing.
Those things are like super glue, hard as hell to get them off....

Awe, he has his AIRPLANE jammies one! Uncle Chip's favorite!

walternatives said...

TOO CUTE is right! What a delightful handful of boy you have. Keep the pics coming, please!

Donna said...

What a little sweetie!

I've got news for you though. The disgusting stuff just gets more digusting! But that's BOYS for ya!


Double Happiness!