Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What it is to be a Father.....

My buddy Mike from down the street asked me the other day, "so, how does it feel to be a father?" Well, Mike, I can tell you now that it is the most unbelievable feeling in the world. I have a child that I can corrupt...erh...Influence that way my father influenced me. My only hope can be is that he comes out of life with the same morals and determination to get things done that my parents and Shelby's parents taught us.

Sawyer is just starting to come out of his shell toward his daddy. Since our Gotcha Day, we has been a mamma's boy, but just over the past few days, he has become more trusting in me. Oh what a feeling that is to know that your child will come to you (and not mommy all the time) if he has a problem. Sawyer is an awesome little boy, he has a wonderful personality and is always showing us something new every day. I love our little man.


Valeri said...

Being a new Daddy must be the best feeling in the world!

Anonymous said...

Scott, as the classic rock lyricists BTO once wrote "You aint seen nothin' yet.........BBBBBBaby"
