Saturday, August 12, 2006

What It's Like to be a Mom...

So this is the female version of Scott's last post...

A lot of people have asked me what it feels like to be a mother. And I was thinking about this today. I was actually trying to fish a poop sample out of the toilet for Sawyer's doctors visit (yes I know probably TMI). That's when I realized that on the surface - THIS is what it feels like to be a all comes down to poop. On a different level honest answer to the whole "what it feels like to be a mom question" - I really do not feel any different from how I did pre-Sawyer. I mean, sure, my life revolves around poop, and there is another person in my life that I am getting to know and that I love with all my heart and soul, but frankly, I do not feel any different (other than the poop fascination). I did not have some big "epiphany" or meet Sawyer and feel like my world view had shifted. I did not have all these "rainbows & unicorns" visions of what would happen when Scott and I added to our family. Call me a realist or what you will, but I had no expectations, one way or the other. I just knew it was what we wanted to do and how we wanted to move forward. It was the right path for us.

So, what I did feel was that a new chapter in my life was beginning. It is my personal belief that children do not change your life, but add to it's sweetness. They are a gift to be loved and learned from.

Ok - enough of the philosophical crap....and on to more important stuff... PICS of the BOY!!!

This is Sawyer's facial expression when he sees that Dad has pulled out the camera yet again....

This is what we call the "DAD?! Not ANOTHER picture?????" facial expression.

OK...well if you force me to take these pictures, I will lower myself and model for you...but only this once... please notice my cuteness and fine physic....

Ok, well maybe I don't actually mind the pictures since they are for my adoring fans, so here is a smiley one for them....

But please remember that to be this cute, I must get my beauty sleep...


Valeri said...

Yes, his adoring fan club loves his pictures! LOL

Kristin said...

That child is simply delicious! I want to SQUEEZE him!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Parenthood! Its an awesome ride!! Sawyer looks cuter with each picture... Glad you all made it back safely...

Anonymous said...

He's quite the model, any professional photo shoots scheduled?

You're right about the feeling, motherhood adds to your life and it's definitely sweet. Especially as you get the hugs and kisses from little lips and arms that feel so perfect wrapping around your neck or leg, sometimes tripping you.....hmmmmm

Take care!