Friday, June 23, 2006

We're So Excited.........

We just heard today from Small World that our paperwork is through the review room and into the matching room. Which means that we might be receiving our travel assignment in a couple of weeks. WAY TOO COOL!!!!!

Shelby spent forty-five minutes on the phone with the Director of the agency, Kathy, telling her how excited we are about finally seeing the end of our long journey to bring Sawyer home. It was a year ago this week that we decided to adopt a child from China. We were driving around Mount Rainier trying to decide how to get over yet another miscarriage. We happened to stop at the Paradise visitor's center and as we were getting out of the truck, a father, mother and obviously adopted Asian child walked by. What more of a sign could we have asked for? From that moment, we have never looked back.

We can not wait to bring Sawyer home. I am going to have my little Football Buddy. I can't wait for him to play with his new toys and sleep in his new bed (mainly ours for the first few months). Shelby can't wait to read him books and take him on hikes and walks with the dogs. We both can't wait to take him around and show him places and things about his new home.

The really cool thing is, we have been taking Mandarin classes from an older gentleman (Lin Yaguang) and his wife (YunXia) in Seattle. They are both from Mainland China (Chonquing). She has agreed to watch Sawyer one or two days a week to help him maintain his Mandarin and expose him to more of his culture. They are an awesome couple. When he teaches, he makes sure we are pronouncing the word or phrase correctly before we move to the next subject. He will also be giving us phrases to put on flash cards to take with us to China. So, we will be able to communicate when we do not have a guide.

We know that at this moment, we are on the verge of a life-altering change. It is an amazing feeling - the anticipation sweet, the longing sharp and the joy indescribable. It is moments like these when you know deep in your soul that life is not random and without reason.

Our life is just beginning.....

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Congratulations!!! Bring on the TA!