Wednesday, June 14, 2006


What do you do while you are waiting for your TA (travel authorization) or your referral for your child from China. There are many things that you can do. You can start a blog so that people can read about your waiting for your TA or your referral. You can paint every room in your house in preparation of the new bundle of joy that will soon be home, but you're still waiting. You can go shopping for all the cool toys that you didn't have when you were a kid so that when your little bundle of joy comes home, he can immediately destroy the newly painted house that you prepared for him, but you are still waiting. Are you getting the theme of this post. WE ARE STILL WAITING AND IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!!

Anyway, to distract myself from the waiting, I have come up with the ten stupidest things people can do while they are waiting for their child to come home from China.

10. Test out the little potty training toilet you bought for your little one. (You might have to dump it a couple of times).

9. Have a tricycle race around the block, with other waiting parents, while wearing the Halloween outfits you bought for the child.

8. Take the Lincoln Log set and build a scale replica of an old English Castle in your front yard. When the Home Owners Association comes and demands you take it down, you threaten to dump hot tar on them.

7. Take your little one's stuffed animals to work with you, dress them up in a suit and tie, put them on your desk and when your boss asks you a question, tell him you are going to have talk to your associates.

6. Call the other waiting dads and arrange "The First Annual Adoptive Dads Radio Flyer Down Hill Derby." Wagon to be returned to the child's room once the race is completed. (Dents give the wagon character).

5. Break in the child's bib at the next office meeting.

4. Break in the binkie at the same time.

3. After a long night with your family, put on a pair of your baby's diapers and tell your parents you are testing the capacity of the pampers. Only the best for your child.

2. Dress your dog up in the kid's cloths before your wife gets home. She'll Freak out.

The number one stupidest thing you can do while waiting for child:

Read the APC Board!!!!

1 comment:

Mark and Lori said...

You have way too much time on your hands! I think one idea would be to spend some time with McKaden so you can see what you are getting yourself into!