Friday, June 30, 2006

Updated Pictures of Sawyer.....

Isn't he so cute, I just want to grab him out of the picture and take him home right now!!! Why are we having to wait so long to bring this adorable child home.

Here is his update information:

His development is the same level as other kids of his age. He is very outgoing and active. He likes to play with his big brother. He can call "Mo Mo". He knows his foster family and doesn't like strangers. He can walk alone. Sometimes he will fall, but he can stand up again by himself. He likes to pick up, follows and leaves. He likes to watch ants and pick them up to play. He likes toys, especially balls. He likes puppy. He can find stuff from drawers. He also can turn on TV and adjust the volume. He can copy the action from TV. He doesn't react that well of normal voice. But he can hear when you talk to him loudly. He likes to put his right hand fingers into his month.

He still needs help when he put on clothes. He doesn't know to use a spoon to feed himself. He can hold fruit or snacks to eat. He is not picky at all. Likes to eat vegetable, meat, fruit. He has 3 meals a day. Breakfast is noodle, case, congee and roll. Lunch and dinner is rice with vegetable, meat or egg. He will show he needs to go to restroom. He sleeps and eats very well.

We can not wait to bring him home....Please, I pray that we can make this wait go by faster.


Roaming Gnomes said...
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Anonymous said...

He looks so lovable, huggable, squeezable! I bet you have a million kissing lip prints on your screen that you can hardly read this.

I'm sending lots of positive vibes and energy your way for that elusive TA! Come on TA, we're reeling you in so tickets can be booked!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking as Auntie, I can't wait to see him in Red Sox gear, either.

Mark and Lori said...

He is amazing! I want you to know how touched I am that you chose him! I can't wait to meet him. There is just something special about him ..

Anonymous said...

I saw your link on look like people that I'd love to know! It's great to see other couples who are very in love with each other. What a great setting for a child to enter! We believe our love for each other has helped our daughter feel very secure and happy. Holly has been home with us for 16 amazing months. Marrying my sweetie and adopting our wonderful baby are two of the best things I've ever done. I wish you guys every happiness!
