Friday, March 20, 2009


That's right, even though our son is non-verbal autistic, he can read!! Last Friday, during his speech class, the teacher accidentally dropped a flashcard on the floor. The flashcard landed on the floor with the word side up. Sawyer looked down at the card, which said ARM, and pointed to his arm while making a vocal approximation of the word arm. This is very exciting news to know that our 4 year old can sight read some words.

Saxton is doing really good after his tonsillectomy. I think the pain killers were a hit with him since he hardly ever complained about his throat hurting. He was out of school for almost two weeks and finally went back yesterday. All of his friends and teachers were very happy to see him return to class and he loved being there too.

We have been hearing nothing but good things from Saffi's school. Last week, a teacher said that she was helping other students in the class with their math homework and she was raising her hand to answer questions. Her English language is improving remarkably well, too. She has been speaking more and more clearer as the days go by. It is amazing to watch her speech develop at such a fast pace. You go girl!! It's been two months since her last breakdown at school, let cross our fingers that that was the last one.

Saffi has also been doing a lot of wonderful things while at home. When she gets home from school, she immediately does her homework and helps get the table ready for dinner. Both her and Saxton try to fight over who gets to wipe down the table. So I usually end up being the moderator and asking one to wipe the table and one to wipe the chairs. That makes them both very happy to see their accomplishment and I can not lie, me too.
Have a great week.


mama d said...

Wow. WOW! The world just opened up a whole lot more for your little man. Bravo!

C's Mom said... to hear that good news all around.

Anonymous said...

Such good news! And really, WOW is right! Sawyer is amazing! In fact all 3 of your kids are amazing :)
This is so good to read this morning!!!

Nicholson Family said...

That's so exciting! Sounds like all three are doing so awesome! You guys are so great :D

Jules said...

I'm a lurker (with 2 adopted kids/2 bio kids) and just wanted to say how awesome that is about Sawyer!! Our oldest is autistic and I understand what a HUGE moment that is for all of you. Congratulations on having one smart little guy!! :)