Sunday, November 09, 2008

We Have Saffi...

Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures, yet, for good reason. After the guide left the room, Saffi broke down, crying. All she wants to do is go find Ma Ma. She will not let Shelby get close to her without crying. Fortunately, we did prepare for this and knew this could very well happen. Over time, Saffi will open up and let mommy get closer.

Just imagine being pulled from the only life you've known for the last almost seven years and these new people are saying that they are your family. It can be very shocking. But, these are things we are going to have to work through. Thank goodness Shelby is strong and know how to comfort her the best that she can.

Once Shelby emails some pictures, I will put them on the blog.


mama d said...

Big e-hugs to the whole family. We know you're prepared, and so honoring of Saffi. Congratulations!

Ruth said...

I left you a note through Yahoo, to your regular email? Let us know if we can help with our experiences. Best to you all, Ruth.

Valeri said...

It will be a rough transition, no doubt. Your family will be in my prayers.