Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wow, two updates in a row...

Close to our house is this wonderful amusement park that is specifically made for children. Many of you might know this place as Sesame Place. Today, out of their wonderful generosity, Sesame Place opened it doors to those children who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Here are some pictures from today:

Sawyer getting ready for a fun day.

Saxton Says "Hi" from Sesame Place
Sawyer riding his first Carousel. He was laughing his head off once we got going. Unfortunately, they did not allow cameras on the ride. Saxton can not wait to get going.
A show with the well-known characters of Sesame Street

Both the boys loved watching the Sesame Street play and clapped along with the music.
And after a long day, they both passed out within five minutes of getting into the truck.

For those of you who do not know, Sawyer was diagnosed with the Autism Spectrum Disorder in June of 2007. Since then, we have been in continuous therapy to help Sawyer communicate with his teachers, peers and his parents. Yea see, while Sawyer is considered to be on the high functioning side of the spectrum, he is non-verbal and has trouble communicating his needs to his teachers and his parents. Furthermore, he obsesses with different items, such as lights and musical toys. It has been a long hard struggle in many different ways, but trust me when I say, we would not of had it any other way.

We first noticed that there was something going on in that little mind of our wonderful little man the first day we met Sawyer in Kunming, Yunnan, People's Republic of China. We noticed that he would be obsessed with his reflection in the mirror.

The first time I saw him do this I thought, "if I were him, I would be looking at perfection too." We also noticed that he was obsessed with spinning, lights, rocking and he would never make any type of eye contact; all signs of a Neurological Disorder. We immediately started Googling Neurological Disorders and Autism while still in China. I have seen many people disrupt their adoptions in China for these same symptoms. I have very deep emotional issues with this. My only questions is, if this child was born to you in a hospital and you found out two years later that your child has Autism, would you give him/her up? And please don't tell me it's different because we adopted. It's not!! Your child is your child. Take the responsibility for your decisions to adopt or to have a baby through natural child birth! Don't look for the easy way out. I am now off my soap box.

When we got home to Washington State, it was very difficult to get any doctor or therapist to even say they think he has Autism. We went six months in Washington without any type of diagnosis. While the rocking diminished, other obsessions came to the forefront.

It was not until we moved to Pennsylvania that Sawyer was finally diagnosed with the disorder that we have been telling doctors and therapists he had from the beginning. I have overhead some people say that when their child was diagnosed with Autism, it was the end of their world. We, on the other hand, felt a huge weight lifted off of our shoulder because we knew that now Sawyer can receive the proper therapy he deserved.

Over the past year, we have seen Sawyer overcome some of his obstacles. While he is still non-verbal, he is making great eye contact on a regular basis, he does not obsess with lights as much, but he now points at them as to ask what they are, he is beginning to use sign language and he is attempting to make make noises to get our attention. We could not be any happier.We love our boys very much. They are our world. I can not wait to share our love with their new sister Saffi.


C's Mom said...

Sawyer certainly found his perfect family.

I could not agree more about your 'soap box' issue. SO many people get rabid when differences are noted between bio or adopted children...these same people will often see disrupting as exempt from offense.

We ALL hope for the best for our children - no matter how they come to us, they are our children.

mama d said...

Beautiful post, beautiful boy.

Can highly recommend "Autism: The Musical" which recently ran on HBO. Also, there's a book out called "Reasonable People" about a non-verbal boy and his family.

Valeri said...


This Charming Mom said...

So happy to see your beautiful family doing so well. Can't wait for your newest addition! The boys are growing up so fast, and they sure are handsome little guys.
all the best,

Mark and Lori said...

Good to get the updates and see and hear how the boys are doing. They seem so happy! You guys are the perfect parents for these children and there is a reason they are in your care. By the way, I think they would love the buggy board - just type that in your search and you will find where they have them. We are glad to have it and NOT have to go with a double stroller. Miss you guys!

Kricket said...

My youngest daughter (5 years old) has been diagnosed with autism as well two months ago. Five years of frustration and tears and trying to figure out what we were doing wrong all summed up in one word. I have a blog now where I write about our daily activities and how we cope with different aspects of it. One thing that has helped more than anything so far is the preschool. She starts OT this month in two weeks. We are really looking forward to that.

I'm sorry to here about Sawyer. It's a very hard thing to live with, especially for the parents. We don't have anything down here that is too supportive of just the autistic kids like the amusement park you guys have up there. Now my mission is dispelling myths about it and teaching people what it really means to be autistic. I have some great links on my website if you are interested.

Take care and I'm looking forward to your daughter coming home soon!!

Anonymous said...

Kricket - Thanks for the supportive email. However, please don't say you are sorry to hear about Sawyer because that implies that it was loss for us. We are very grateful to have his diagnosis. We are also very blessed that we have two healthy and happy children. Although we will do everyhting we can to allow Sawyer to lead a happy life, we fully support neurodiversity. Sawyer is who he was meant to be and our only purpose is to help him lead the life he was meant to live.

Kricket said...

Shelby - I totally understand. I know firsthand how relieved you both are to have a diagnosis. For five years we went through to much frustration and tears with our youngest trying to figure out what was wrong. Knowing hasn't necessarily made it easier to live with but it has made it easier to deal with. Like you, I wouldn't trade my autistic daughter for the world. I wouldn't change her at all because she wouldn't be the daughter that we have fallen in love with so strongly. My prayer is that our autistic children live full productive independent lives without having to live with being labeled. I don't know about you but I refuse to have my daughter labeled, especially when she starts school next year.

I'm glad we both found out what is different in our children. This means we will both get help that is needed - for our children, for their siblings, and for ourselves as parents. If you ever need someone to talk to who understands what it is like to have an autistic child, feel free to contact me anytime. I've been reading your blog since you first adopted Sawyer. Now I'm anxiously awaiting your daughter's homecoming too!!

Anonymous said...

The boys are so beautiful and happy! They're smiles are just priceless!!
So glad Sawyer is getting what he needs by the way of his therapies - I wish they would of been more responsive to you over in Seattle.
Can't wait to see Saffi join your tribe!