Monday, September 10, 2007

We Made it through the first Night...

Here is the first picture of the boys sitting together. Sawyer might look angry, but at this point he was ready to go down for the night. Especially after a day that changed his life forever.

Saxton seems to be adjusting fairly well, so last evening we decided that we needed to get out of the Hotel and we went for a walk down to the West Lake. It is a beautiful, big lake with people all around. They had men along the shore trying to get you to take a ride in their water taxi, huge pagoda boats that will take you in Lake tours... .

and people all around wanting to take pictures with the Americans. It was a great experience and the people here are very nice. Of course, Sawyer fell asleep once we left to hotel because he really has not adjusted to the time change, yet.

Saxton fell asleep last night about 8:00 and slept through the night. Sawyer on the other hand woke up at midnight and did not want to go back to sleep until 3:00 am.
The only real concerns we have is that Saxton is really wobbly. He doesn't walk well, but he is getting used to not having so many clothes on. Today we finalize the adoption in the Provence and then go to the police station to get his passport paperwork started. Another busy day here in Hangzhou.


C's Mom said...

At last, at last!

I love seeing Saxton with his family.

mama d said...

These photos are so fun, and the boys look like they're settling in. Thanks for posting!

Nicholson Family said...

Looks like all is well and you're well on your way to settling in. Awesome photos and the boys are gorgeous!

Valeri said...

My heart just melts when I see these pictures!!!