Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Very Rough Day...

Today started out with a bang. At 3:00 am, Sawyer was up and ready to go. At 5:00 am, Saxton was up and ready to go. So we got ready, went to breakfast, then we prepared ourselves to go to the Orphanage.
Once we were on our way, the boys would not sit still in the van. Ya see in China, there is no law that the children have to be in a child seat, so the kids get to run around the vehicle (just like we did when we were kids). I just don't understand how we survived.

All the progress we had made with Saxton over the last few days was thrown out the window once we arrived at the Orphanage. His mood changed very dramatically from a happy little boy, to a confused and sad little boy.
Saxton was able say good-bye and get one last picture with his Nanny...
Then he got on last picture in his crib...

From this point on, we took two GIANT steps backwards. Saxton was not the happy little boy we had become accustomed to over the last few days. Once we left the room, Saxton started crying uncontrollably. He wanted to stay in the Orphanage and with his Nanny. He reverted back to the moment when we first saw him and I know he was saying to himself, "who are these people that are taking me away from the only life I have ever known?" But, how do you explain this to a two year old, who just met you three days ago, doesn't speak a lick of English and just saw the only people he has ever known for the last 26 months be taken from him? You do what you have to do. You hug him, you swing with him and you reassure him with the little Mandarin you know over and over again, "Wo ai ni, wo ai ni...(I love you, I love yo)." Then he would calm down, but only momentarily.

After the Orphanage, we went to the children's finding spots. Saxton was found at the Bing Wong Bus Station in Downtown Yiwu.
It was unclear in the documents we received from the Orphanage where Saxton was found exactly, so we took picture inside and out...

The same feeling came over me as a year ago when we saw Sawyer's finding spot. Even though this was a very loud and busy place, it was like someone turned the sound off. You could of been standing right next to me, yelling, and I would not of been able to hear you. I know that as Americans we can never really understand why people would abandon their children, but the only thing that kept running through my mind was, thank God that Saxton was abandoned in this busy bus station and not somewhere else where he might not of been found.

After Saxton's finding spot, we made the two hour ride back to the Hotel. This was NOT a pleasant journey. Saxton had his first major grieving meltdown. Understandably, he might of just realized that his life has changed forever and that he will never be going back to the life he has only known. For about an hour and fifteen minutes of the two hour drive, Saxton was grieving, again uncontrollably. Shelby did the only thing anyone can really do, let him grieve while reassuring him that we love him very much and that we will never let him go. After awhile, he finally calmed down and fell asleep for the rest of the ride.

After this very draining day, we did not feel like going anywhere. So, we just stayed in and played with the boys. Well, it was the boys who were mainly playing with each other.
Then just before we put the boys down for the night, we got the nicest surprise any parent could ask for... Tomorrow we head to Guangzhou, finally.


Mark and Lori said...

I don't know what to say - this was a beautiful post. Love is an amazing thing. Lori

polkadot said...

How hard. We aren't sure if we should visit our son's orphanage next month. We never went to my daughter's orphanage, I went alone, but I felt it would have really confused her. I hear that what you have done is the best way to go, a little closure for him.

Guangzhou will be better!

Valeri said...

We never had the opportunity to see where Jensen was abandoned. I really wish we could have seen that. We weren't permitted to take photos inside of his orphanage either. You're quite lucky!

Nicholson Family said...

OK, now that I can see again after being so blurry with tears :( Talk about an ache, my heart goes out to all of you and especially Saxton tonight. He will grieve but he will bond very well to all of you--he's obviously a very loving, sweet and gently boy who will feel the love and let it grow more and more with each passing day. We love you guys and think of you very often.

mama d said...

Saxton has the most glorious smile. And, it's so cool to see them play together! All four of you are being so strong, and so gentle. And, it sounds like GZ is giving you that good-karma feedback!