Saturday, September 01, 2007

Less Than A Week....

We have less than a week to go before we leave to bring Saxton home. It really hit us today when we received our plane tickets in the mail. Are we really leaving on Friday, this Friday? No way!!

Well, since panic mode has set in, we pulled all of our luggage out of the cellar, went to Target to buy toys for the trip to keep Sawyer and Saxton busy on the plane rides, and started cleaning the house from top to bottom. It just seems like it is coming on so fast. How did we get through this the first time?

Our friend Kim will be coming down from Boston tomorrow to help us out this last week before our lives change, again. I would like to get as much done on the boys' room before we leave. Our friend Jim came over the other day and helped me get the new drywall on the ceiling of the boys room. I can tell you it is a lot easier when there is two people holding the drywall. The jack helped too. Thank you for your help Jim.

Last weekend we had a garage sale. We started pulling things out at 5:30 in the morning to get ready for the 8:00 am start. By 6:30 we had our first early birds. We sold more stuff by 8:30 am then we did the rest of the day. When we planned this sale, we had no idea the money raised would go to a new refrigerator since the old one died on us a day before. But, the good news is we bought a fridge big enough to store food for our two growing boys. BTW-Thank you Susan, Jon and Alice for bringing over the fresh doughnuts. Sawyer loved them, (so did I).

Today while Mommy was grocery shopping, Sawyer had some Daddy time. Isn't he cute?


C's Mom said...

Right around the corner! I am so excited that Saxton is, at last, coming home.

I know what you mean about the drywall - it's even better yet when it is two people NOT including you holding up the drywall ;0)

Valeri said...

I can't wait to follow your journey!!!! I am sooooo thrilled for your guys!!! Big hugs and kisses to you all!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Thanks so much for sending an update -- Sawyer is getting so big! He is going to be a wonderful brother. Here's hoping you have an uneventful pick-up trip for Saxton and I will be checking in on your blog to see how it is all going.

Michelle (from Zymo)

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful happy face on that boy - can't wait to see the pictures of 2 smiling boys together ~

Nicholson Family said...

Cute is not enough to describe beautiful, wonderful, adorable, sweet, huggable, squeezable, lovable Sawyer :) He's growing and changing so fast and he's going to be such a great big brother! Countdown with tickets in hand! WOO-HOO!!!!!

mama d said...

Soon, you'll be one bigger happy family! Can't wait to read your posts from China ... and see the first photos of S to the power of FOUR!