Sunday, January 07, 2007

So why did we adopt? (making reference to the Paula Zuhn story on CNN on 01/05/2007).

We have many reasons to adopt from China and I have many reasons that I don't feel the need to share that with the general public. If someone asks us about why we chose China over any other country, we would be glad to tell them. All I ask is before the people criticize us, the adoptive parent community of our China babies, they need to ask us, and our agencies, questions instead of making general statements like American adopt these children because the China babies are smart and cute. Ever since we started our adoptions from China, we have been trying to breakdown some of these stereotypes. We did not chose China to bring home a smart and cute child, we chose China because that is the way we wanted to build our family. Plus, when we saw Sawyer and Saxton, we knew immediately that they were our boys and they need to be home with us. I could go on and on about why we chose China over US adoption or adoption from other countries, but I feel that I don't need to explain myself. Furthermore, no one has the right to criticize other peoples' decisions on how they build their families. Who are we to judge?

We are very blessed to have Sawyer in our lives. He is truly a bundle of joy and happiness in our everyday lives. We can not wait until he has his little brother home so we can have double the fun.


Valeri said...

I hate when so-called "experts" talk about an issue they so clearly have no understanding of. If these "experts" would walk a mile in our shoes they wouldn't be so quick to place judgement on how we have created our families. Ignorance is still alive....

Anonymous said...

You get a big AMEN from me!
I find that this country is very big on judging others for their choices; and as angry as the CNN piece made me, it just doesn't suprise me anymore.
If everyone's focus could be like yours, we'd all me a lot better off!