Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Finding Spot.....

Yesterday afternoon, Susan took us to Sawyer's Finding spot. He was found on November 28th, 2004 on the west bank of the Panlong River near the sluice (A sluice is a water channel that is controlled at its head by a gate). This is not a good place to be at come nighttime. There are very cheap apartments that surround the area and it is populated with people who come in from the countryside looking for work. There is a large amount of poverty in this area, so it is likely that his parents are farmers from the countryside.

The Sluice.

The West Bank of the River near the Sluice.

As soon as Susan said this is where Sawyer was found, it was like someone switched off the sound. While walking around the area where he was found, we could not help but think of what would of happened to this precious little boy if no one found him. So when was he left? Early morning? During the day while no one was looking? All we will ever know is that he was delivered to the Kunming CWI on November 28th, 2004. We will never know anything about his natural parents. Although we can not ever tell him with absolute certainty what his parents/mother/father/grandparent felt when they left him, we can try to instill in him an understanding of the circumstances surrounding where he was left and compassion for his biological parents.

We were very sad visiting this spot - sad for all the Sawyer has lost by being abandoned, sad for the loss his parents experienced, and sad for Sawyer and his biological parents who will never know about one another. But, like a Phoenix from the ashes, Sawyer's life and fate will be forever changed by this one act. We will be forever grateful to his biological parents for giving us the most amazing gift in the world...this little boy who will bring us happiness and love. Whomever you are, we are eternally grateful to you for bringing this special child into this world and into our lives.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! I will bet you were crying like a baby when you posted that one. So do you feel a little closer to China than you did one week ago? I know you can feel the culture and the warmth of the people you meet each day. Enjoy it, for it will seem like a surreal memory when you return to Maple Valley. Mike

Valeri said...

I would have been crying buckets!

mama d said...

Amazing. Sometimes it comes over me in waves, the sacrifice made by all the birthmoms (and, especially my boy's). What a history you can give to Sawyer ... and what a future!

- k, f, & xq

Anonymous said...

Beautifully worded. Thankfulness, first and foremost, for their unselfishness letting others raise beautiful children and loving them more than life itself.