Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Buddhist Temple In Kunming...

Yuantong Temple (Yuantong Si) has history of more than 1200 years. Located in downtown Kunming, it is a very easy temple to find, about five minute drive from Green Lake Hotel. The web site below said, "In 1956, the temple held a tooth of the Buddha here for a short time." I wish I saw that.

While we were there, the Monks were having a prayer ceremony. There were hundreds of people chanting and singing and praying. It is an awe inspiring sound to hear so many people sing in harmony.

We let Sawyer down to stretch his legs. He loves touching new things, especially plants, windows and, well, anything he can get his hands onto. He is a very curios little boy.

"Hey, where do you think you are going?"

"Oh, over to rub your hands on another monument."

What a curious little one. That might get him into trouble one day.


Mark and Lori said...

SO much to learn and see!
Let us know how he is doing ... how are his ears? Is he eating [sounds like it!] and fun stuff like that. How big is he - what size clothes are fitting him - it is as if you have just given birth and we need details! Lori

Anonymous said...

You're going to have fun working in the yard together! Who's up for a water fight? Nah, lets just run through the sprinkler - that's Melanie's fave!

He's enjoying the sightseeing as much as you guys. We didn't go to the temple when we were there, I have to put it on our "to do" list! Beautiful pictures!!!